June 10, 2009

A Post a Day....

I'm finally blogging again after a little break--okay a long break, but I'm excited to start sharing some of the things are family has been doing this last month and a half. I figured that the best way to catch up was to create a post a day. Time will tell if I actually do it, but I have high hopes! I hope you enjoy!

I thought that I would start with Mckay's Preschool Field trips. Mckay absolutely loved going on field trips with his class! Here are some of the pictures from our last two trips.

The Farm
For this field trip we just went to a local farm in Mapleton. Although both kids thought that it smelled stinky they loved
seeing all the animals.

Petting a baby lamb

This little calf was born the morning of our field trip. We felt pretty spoiled to be able see this cute little cow.

Even Madison loved seeing all the animals and was brave enough to pet the sheep. It surprised me because she is terrified of most animals. Maybe we should have a pet sheep instead of a dog.

Bean Museum
I love going on field trips with Mckay, but going to the Bean Museum is a different story. I don't mind all of the animals and most of the museum is really fun for kids, but I hate the snakes that they show during the reptile show. There really is nothing in the world that scares me as bad as those slimy, sly creatures. I hope Mckay knows how much I love him just to be in the same building with those creepy snakes!

Look at our little model posing for the camera!

Touching the turtle


Steph said...

Hey you! Found your blog on Marci's blog. Your kids are getting so big. Time goes by way too fast!

Sarah Coyne said...

Cute pics! This is random, but Paul took the kids to the Bean museum the other day, and then called me up and said "Where are the beans? I thought this was supposed to be a bean museum?" He really thought it was a museum devoted to beans! Nice!

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Looks fun! Your kids are super cute and I love that picture of McKay posing for the camera... that is great!! It was fun to see you guys at the Easter gathering. Hope you enjoyed Washington :)